ADHD PhD Coaching

Ruth Angulo Bomar, PhD.  Academic Coach

Tarrant County College, Trinity River Downtown Fort Worth, TX


Do you struggle to find the motivation you need to get started? Do you lose momentum during the day? Do you struggle with getting back to dissertation writing after an interruption? Do you find yourself doing other things like scrubbing the kitchen instead of writing that doctoral proposal? At the end of the day do you wonder if all the work you did was really the work that needed to be done? Does the Inner Critic tell you all the reasons you must read one more study for your literature review? Does the Imposter Syndrome keep suggesting that it just shouldn’t be this hard? Is your academic, personal, and professional work competing for your attention and energy?  


The demand that your doctoral workplaces on your executive functions is exponential. ADHD PhD  coaching is for doctoral students with or without ADHD. It is a relationship between you and your coach.
The coaching relationship develops realistic customized tools to manage focus and mental energy. Together you and your coach will build step-by-step strategies to manage motivation,  procrastination, the inner critic,  imposter syndrome.  You will create a workflow that works for you and the demands of  personal life,  academics,  and professional work.
How it works 

We meet for twelve sessions. Each time we meet, you will be asked to describe your wins and challenges
since the last session. Together we will work on your focus for that session and create meaningful and
workable takeaways so you can meet your personal, academic, and professional goals for the week,
month or semester.
Appropriate for 
Adults considering a higher degree.
Master’s level students
Doctoral level students